
Mark Borghi Bridgehampton is pleased to present Compendium, a survey of the last 75 years of Art History; Abstract Expressionism, Color Field, Minimalism and Pop Art. 


This exhibition provides a survey of major artworks produced during the twentieth century in the Americas and Europe, their theoretical justifications and critical receptions, from Abstract Expressionism to Pop art. By combining an overview of the period with select works from influential figures such as Pollock, Krasner, de Kooning, Smith, Hofmann, and Warhol and a selection of Italian masters such as Pistoletto, Festa, Pomodoro, and Biasi — Compendium allows us to contemplate how we view the past while providing possibilites of the future. 


Featuring works by: Karel Appel, Milton Avery, Donald Baechler, Alberto Biasi, Norman Bluhm, Alexander Calder, John Chamberlain, George Condo, Gene Davis, Elaine de Kooning, Willem de Kooning, Herbert Ferber, Tano Festa, Sam Francis, Helen Frankenthaler, Sam Gilliam, Keith Haring, Hans Hofmann, Alex Katz, Ellsworth Kelly, R.B. Kitaj, Franz Kline, Lee Krasner, Pat Lipsky, Mercedes Matter, Robert Motherwell, Constantino Nivola, Kenneth Noland, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Jackson Pollock, Arnaldo Pomodoro, David Smith, Hedda Sterne, Rudolf Stingel, Mark Tansey, Jack Tworkov, Anne Truitt, Andy Warhol and 

Michael Corinne West.